Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Critique of Obama Becomes Thoughtcrime

Barack Obama would like to see a Dallas billionaire, Harold Simmons, prosecuted and sent to jail.

Now there is nothing novel about a Democrat at the far left of his party wishing ill for a billionaire. They hate billionaires on principle, if for no other reason. But Obama’s complaint comes straight from George Orwell: Thoughtcrime.

Specifically, Simmons funded and bought television time for a commercial detailing Barack Obama’s relationship with radical bomb-thrower and former Weatherman Underground member William Ayers.

I can call him a “bomb-thrower” without facing libel, because he is admittedly the guy who planted bombs at the Pentagon, New York City Police Headquarters and the U.S. Capitol and who was on the run for 10 years. His wife is another ex-Weatherman fugitive Bernadette Dohrn.

In a 2001 autobiography Ayers said, "I don't regret setting bombs. I feel we didn't do enough." Another interesting Ayers quote from back in the day was, "Kill all the rich people. Break up their cars and apartments. Bring the revolution home, Kill your parents." "What a country," Ayers said in 2001, after having met Obama years before; "It makes me want to puke."

In the 1990’s the couple hosted the Obama at a meet and greet for his first State Senate run. This was the launch of Obama’s political career. Ayers served with Obama from 1999 through 2001 on the non-profit Woods Fund of Chicago as paid board members. Ayers has donated at least once before to an Obama campaign.

Ayers has not expressed any regret for having set bombs in public buildings.

Now that is the content of the ad, which you can see here: Obama general counsel Bob Bauer is calling for the prosecution of Simmons for what he alleges is “a knowing and willful violation of the individual aggregate contribution limits.” (Politico Aug. 27, 2008). In other words, he is not challenging the content, but the legality of running any such ad in the first place.

Of course it is the thought that counts. Would Bauer be calling for a prosecution if the ad were just another item in the media worship of Barack Obama?

Ed Martin, president of The American Issues Project, observed acidly that despots in the past, “generally had to wait until they were in power to throw people who disagreed with them into jail.”

Nancy Pelosi has just as little patience with thoughtcrime. The Savior of the Planet, as she describes her mission, was confronted by demonstrators yesterday chanting “Drill here! Drill now!” reflecting the views of about two thirds to three quarters of the population.

Pelosi responded, “Right here?…Can we drill your brains?” Charming. Congressional Majority Leader Steny Hoyer chimed in saying that “thinking Americans” (his emphasis ...remember only liberals are officially intelligent) know that Americans don’t have a quarter of the world’s oil, though we use 25 percent of all fossil fuel energy.

Meanwhile Ms. Pelosi’s new career as a Catholic theologian continues to attract, if not rave reviews, raving Catholic bishops. You may recall Pelosi appealed to her ardent Catholicism as authority when she claimed on Sunday’s “Meet the Press,” that the “doctors of the church,” by which she meant its most distinguished theologians, have been unable to state when human life begins.

So far Bishop William Lori of Bridgeport, CT, the chairman of the Bishop’s Committee on Doctrine (what the Church teaches), Archbishops Donald Wuerl of Washington and Charles Chaput of Denver, Cardinal Edward Egan of New York and Cardinal Justin Rigali chairman of the U.S. bishops' Committee on Pro-Life Activities, have all had the audacity to contradict Ms. Pelosi by stating that Catholic doctrine has always taught that human life begins at the moment of conception.

Brendan Daly, a Pelosi spokesman, set these thoughtcriminals straight saying the congresswoman bases her statement on Saint Augustine who wrote that “the law does not provide that the act [abortion] pertains to homicide, for there cannot yet be said to be a live soul in a body that lacks sensation.”

Cardinal Rigali and Bishop Lori responded stating that while uniformed and unscientific beliefs about embryo development in the Middle Ages led to differences in the penalties for commission of the sin of abortion, “the Church's moral teaching never justified or permitted abortion at any stage of development.''

Daly was obliged to fall back on the final, lame argument of pro-choice Catholic Democrats, saying that many American Catholics disagree with the Church’s teaching. Anyway, he observed, Pelosi believes making family planning more available could reduce the number of abortions.

The Church forbids contraception, too.

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