Thursday, August 28, 2008

Olberman vs. Scarborough …and Brokaw …and Murphy …and Bush …and Wolfson …and Hillary …and Cheney …and etc., etc….

Portfolio’s Jeff Bercovici says feuding anchors Keith Olberman and Joe Scarborough (the latter being the token moderate on the left-oriented MSNBC) should just get the measuring tape, whip out the appropriate equipment and start a’ measuring.

The squabble of anchors going on at MSNBC is easily the least professional-looking spectacle in television news, cable or broadcast. Leaving Olberman’s mike on while Scarborough was attempting political analysis was bush-league. For Olberman to beg for a shovel in the middle of Scarborough’s piece is a stunt no self-respecting college radio station would allow.

Olberman, the converted sportscaster who has taken his “Countdown” show from third place in cable news ratings for that hour to …third place, is reputedly difficult to work with. I have no evidence to back that up --aside from the viral video clip of the “shovel-to-shovel” confrontation with Joe Scarborough described above –and the rumor, which is crisscrossing the Internet, that Olberman wants Tom Brokaw banned form MSNBC. He also reportedly wants to ban Mike Murphy, a moderate columnist from Time, off MSNBC’s air. This, of course, takes nothing away from the loathing Olberman expresses for Bush, Rove, the Clintons, Howard Wolfson, Cheney, etc., etc…

Though it is number one in the cable news field, FOX News still has an unpolished feel to it. Its coverage, I submit, is not as thorough as CNN’s and its production values are only acceptable at best. But the shenanigans at MSNBC and their left-wing bias, make FOX News look like the Tiffany of its field by comparison.

Thank goodness the issue has been cleared up. Barack Obama does NOT think he is the Lord Jesus.

Apparently, he is Zeus.

Or so it would seem, given the stage setting at Mile High Stadium he has had erected for his “acceptance” speech tonight. It is a columned Greco-Roman temple. Only instead of Zeus emerging from amid the snowy columns of the Temple of Obama bearing thunderbolts, we will get Obama --with a teleprompter, but alas, no toga, and no laurel wreath upon his brow.

Seventy thousand will be on hand at Mile High…er… Barackopolis to hear the candidate’s remarks in a setting of such grandeur it could even satisfy a politician’s ego. The event will amount to a recreated Roman triumph, but without the traditional servant to whisper in the honoree’s ear, “Remember, thou are but mortal,” and without, alas, a balloon drop. What, I ask, is a convention without a balloon drop?

John McCain, it is reported, plans to release the name of his running mate today. This will take some of the public and press attention away from Obama’s acceptance speech from Olympus if the story is true.

My dream VP nominee would be Colin Powell, who did NOT attend the convention to praise Obama or put his name in nomination. My second choice: Senator Kay Bailey Hutchinson of Texas. She is from a state McCain will win anyway, but she is a very able Senate veteran and a woman –too bad she and McCain are not chummy. I would also recommend (if McCain were to listen to me) Condi Rice. How about Mike Huckabee or Fred Thompson? How about General David Petraeus? How about someone that people have HEARD of…??

Keep fingers crossed that it isn’t Joe Lieberman. Though my Connecticut neighbor has lots to recommend him, his pro-choice views would injure McCain with his conservative and evangelical base voters. The very notion of a pro-choice running mate made Rush Limbaugh fly off the handle on his show yesterday, declaring such a selection would destroy the GOP.

What we are most likely to get is governors Mitt Romney or Tim Pawlenty –both nice guys but not as powerful a choice as Biden is for Obama.

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