Wednesday, September 24, 2008


Although this election is by no means a sure thing for either side, the left is already coming up with excuses why Barack Obama lost. I guess they never heard of the Power of Positive Thinking…

Right now the most popular theory is simple racial bigotry –that Obama will have lost because he is black. Curiously that is the one reason for an Obama loss that doesn’t make sense.

Let us assume for a moment that about half the voters are conservative. Given that three of the last four presidents were named either Bush or Reagan, it’s not such a stretch to imagine. Would they vote for a very liberal Democrat under any circumstances? Color doesn’t even enter into it. These voters, who are excited by Condoleeza Rice and Colin Powell, will always pick the conservative in the race.

Then let us assume that the other half of the voting public is liberal. You’ll get no argument from Al Gore on that proposition; he got a majority of the popular votes in 2000. If he had also gotten the votes Ralph Nader won that year he would have (a) taken 51 percent and (b) be finishing up his second term right about now.

Does anyone mean to argue that this 50 percent of the population –the most liberal 50 percent— would allow bigotry to dictate their votes? There may be racist liberals our there but I imagine they would be harder to find than rocking horse manure.

Thus, it would appear to be impossible, mathematically, for racial bigotry to determine the outcome of the election. There may be a few liberal hypocrites who are turned off by Obama’s color, but I doubt you could fill an auditorium with them. As for the authentic bigots, they would never have voted for a liberal anyway.

To his infinite credit, Obama has already rejected the notion that he could be defeated by racial prejudice. In saying this Obama emphasizes the very positive things his nomination says about America and proves, once again, that he is substantially brighter than many of his “friends.”

History is my hobby and my profession. Imagine he pleasure I got this week from Professor Joseph Biden (D-MBNA) when he described for CBS’ Katie Couric how the President broke the news of the Great Stock Market Crash to his countrymen in 1929:

When the stock market crashed, Franklin D. Roosevelt got on the television and didn't just talk about the, you know, the princes of greed. He said, 'Look, here's what happened,'

Where to begin! To his credit, Biden got the year right: It was 1929 when Wall Street tanked. The president, however, was Herbert Hoover. Biden should know this because the Democrats ran against Hoover and the Depression right through the 1960 elections. FDR was president from 1933 until his death in April 1945.

In 1929 there were no television networks in existence. If I am not mistaken, Philo T. Farnsworth hadn’t invented the electronic television until 1927. He was probably still tinkering with it when the stock market crashed. I don’t believe that Hoover made any radio statements at the time. The Crash was shocking, but it was some weeks before the full meaning of the catastrophe began to dawn on people.

Just imagine if Sarah Palin had uttered this quote instead of Biden…

Naomi Wolf, who crafted a new, less tree-like image for Al Gore in 2000, is afraid of Sarah Palin, by the way. In a recent piece in the Huffington Post she claims that Palin and Karl Rove and Dick Cheney plan to establish a fascist government if McCain wins the election. She also claims that the government –or Palin or someone—has been stealing and/or opening her mail:

Most disturbingly to me personally is the mail tampering I have both heard of and experienced firsthand. My tax returns vanished from my mailbox. All my larger envelopes arrive ripped straight open apparently by hand. When I show the postman, he says, "That's impossible." Horrifyingly to me is the impact on my family. My children’s' report cards are returned again and again though perfectly addressed; their invitations are turned back; and my daughter’s many letters from camp? Vanished. All of them. Not one arrived.

Perhaps they were harboring a moose that needed shooting in that “camp?” –or they possessed a library book that should be banned? Is there no villainy to which the Governor of Alaska will not stoop? Someone tell Sarah Palin to stop hanging around Naomi Wolf’s mailbox!

The Girls Next Door are no more. The E! Network show about Hugh Hefner and his three live-in girlfriends will have to be replaced since two of the three appear to be splitting off from the harem.

Kendra Wilkinson, the sports-obsessed member of the blond trio, is apparently seeing Philadelphia Eagle Hank Baskett, who is roughly 50 years younger than the 82-year-old Hefner.

Meanwhile Holly Madison, who has said many times that she wants to be the mother of Hefner’s baby, is moving out of the master bedroom. Besides being 82, Hefner is still married to his next-door neighbor, Kimberly Conrad and says he does not want to father any more children. Madison told Us magazine she intends to leave the mansion and has been seen in company with illusionist Criss Angel. When Holly disappears that leaves Bridget Marquardt in Bedroom Number 2 –and she’s married to some guy in Ohio –Chad Christopher Marquardt.

Just your typical American family.

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