Monday, September 1, 2008

Obama is Right About Palin’s Family

I am willing to believe that Barack Obama has more class than many of his supporters. The Internet has been jumping for the past 60 hours with the nasty rumor that Trig Palin, the five month old baby of Sarah Palin is actually her granddaughter and that she was covering up for her daughter Bristol who, the Obamist bloggers say, was the real (and unwed) mother.

Today Governor Palin set matters straight. Bristol, 17, is pregnant –five months pregnant. The timing is such that if the initial rumors were true, she would have conceived her present baby while she was still expecting the other. Given how these bloggers think nature works, I would not be surprised if they thought that was possible, but believe me, it isn’t.

Obama, in the meantime, has spoken up about the rumors and Palin’s announcement making a statement for which he should be commended: “We don't go after people's families. We don't get them involved in the politics. It's not appropriate and it's not relevant. Our people were not involved in any way in this and they will not be. And if I ever thought there was somebody in my campaign that was involved in something like that, they'd be fired.”

To make his point even clearer, Obama added, “This shouldn't be part of our politics. It has no relevance to Gov. Palin's performance as a governor or potential performance as a vice president. So I would strongly urge people to back off these kinds of stories.”

In their treatment of Sarah Palin and her family, the left blogosphere and the mainstream media are tying a big fat anchor rope around Barack Obama’s neck. If the Obama campaign can call ordinary criticism of their candidate “smear tactics,” then what do we call the slime being hurled at Sarah Palin and her family?

A lot of people have a lot to be ashamed of.

Shame on Alan Colmes for insinuating that Palin endangered the life of her unborn child (“Did Palin Take proper Pre-Natal Care?” The story is here. ) by finishing her day’s work in Texas when she had only leaked a trivial amount of amniotic fluid. She was not in contractions when she boarded an Alaska Air flight to go home, and made the trip after consulting with her doctor.

Shame on Andrew Sullivan and the Obamist blogosphere for passing around the Sarah Palin is a grandmother rumor. What a smarmy little piece of trash that was. People like Sullivan ought to know better.

Shame on the Daily Kos and blogger ArcXIX for pushing the above rumor. They do know better but apparently don’t care. And shame on the Kos bloggers nauseatingly rejoicing at the Palin family’s crisis.

Shame on Andrea Mitchell of NBC for stating, on “Meet the Press,” that college-educated persons will not want to vote for Mrs. Palin. Because why, Andrea? Because she is not part of the privileged political class to whom you relate so well? Your condescending tone, your arrogance is breathtaking.

Shame on Newsweek’s Eleanor Clift for denigrating and dismissing Palin on "The McLaughlin" group. I don’t know how many newsrooms she was in when McCain announced Palin on Friday. I doubt that, like a Catholic saint, Clift can bilocate and physically be in more than one place at a time. But Clift reported that, “This is not a serious choice. It makes it look like a made for TV movie. If the media reaction is anything, it's been literally laughter in many places…in very, very many newsrooms.” Hear the audio of this segment by clicking here (13 seconds, 80Kb).

Shame on Politico for disguising four Democratic Party stalwarts as uninterested “presidential historians.” They are David Kennedy (who has donated the maximum allowable amount of money to the Obama campaign), Joel Goldstein (also a cash donor),

Doris Kearns Goodwin (who has donated to the Party) and Matthew Dalleck (Dick Gephardt’s former speech writer). This is a nice way to disguise a rehash of Obamist talking points.

Shame on ABC’s Rick Klein and Jennifer Parker for calling the announcement of Bristol’s pregnancy “A damaging revelation,” and then failing to prove that notion when interviewing Republicans and family-values sources at the convention --all of whom praised the decision of Miss Palin to keep her baby and praised the family values of Governor Palin.

Shame on CNN for using Bristol’s story as the basis of a hitpiece on her mother.

Shame on Morton Kondracke –who knows nothing more about the circumstances of Bristol’s pregnancy than we do-- for chiming in with the same criticism as the CNN hitpiece (see him here.)

There is a lot more shame to go around. Barack Obama says he is against the hyper-partisan “say anything to win” kind of politics seen in the last several elections. He says he is against making political hay with the children of candidates. I believe him. But the radical left doesn’t.

That’s not “change;” that’s more of the same.

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