Thursday, September 11, 2008

Obama, Charlie Gibson and Mr. Kim

What I like about Barack Obama: Being a Republican, I like the fact that when he is accused of something, he tends to repeat the accusation over and over –until everyone has it memorized.

It’s very important for Barack to have the last word and to be right. That’s why he repeats things like the “lipstick” remark –to prove he was right all along.

I also like his arrogant treatment of the truth. It betrays, I think, an assumption that either the press is going to shield him or that the average voter isn’t very bright. He claims he never voted against a bill to preserve the lives of babies surviving abortions. But as a State Senator in Illinois he did just that, including a bill modeled after federal legislation written by Senator Edward M. Kennedy.

Obama cites as proof of his superior judgment his opposition to the War in Iraq (while he was still a state senator). He notes, with disapproval, John McCain’s inferior judgment for voting for the war. Then what does Obama do? He names Joe Biden –another vote for the war—to be his running mate!

If nothing else, the Obama candidacy has settled the question of which is more dangerous –drug use or Christianity. Obama’s admitted cocaine use as a young man, we are told, is nothing to be concerned with. The same people who dismiss his past with drugs, however, seem to be getting quite upset with Sarah Palin’s onetime affiliation with a speaking-in-tongues Pentecostal church.

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Did you catch part one of Charles Gibson’s interview with Gov. Palin last night? This is a subjective call on my part, but I got the feeling he could not stand her. He was all closed in on himself and he spoke to her in an unnaturally quiet tone of voice, as if he were forcing himself to talk.

One could make the case that he was marginally rude to Gov. Palin. He asked her if, when McCain offered her the nomination, she had had a moment of doubt as to her qualifications. She said she did not, prompting the frankly disbelieving Gibson to put the same question to her again! When she repeated that she felt no hesitancy, he accused her of “hubris.”

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Kim Jong Il is apparently in worse shape than anyone thought. He missed a major military parade but, we are told, his absence was hidden by “production values.” The speculation is that he may be physically and intellectually impaired by the cerebral accident.

None of his three sons are suitable to take over the country and his generals all look under fed. …which brings us to the reason Mr. Kim had a stroke. For one thing he was a chain smoker most of his life, though he quit a few years ago.

Secondly --and this is an important distinction-- he was arguably the only fat man in North Korea. The destruction of agriculture in North Korea has been pretty thorough, even by Stalinist standards. There have been years under the late Kim Il Sung (“The Glorious Leader”) and Kim Jong Il (“The Beloved Leader”) when as many as a million North Koreans have died of starvation. Only Kim Jong Il has been able to stay pleasingly plump.

Kim Jong Il, by the way, loves shark caviar and dishes made of shark fin and fresh conch. If he is partially paralyzed he probably won’t be dining so royally in the future, though, and the Joy Brigades may have to be disbanded.

The Joy Brigades, for those unaware, are groups of junior high-aged maidens conscripted into State service by Mr. Kim, to provide highly specialized entertainment for his elderly generals and, of course, to satisfy his own pedophilic inclinations.

If Mr. Kim has been sidelined, it is very likely that the Chinese, with the full approval of the United States, will try to set up some kind of satellite government in North Korea. Perhaps the Koreans can be persuaded to let a couple million Chinese “volunteers” come in to run the country –and very gently disarm it of their atom bombs and million-man army. It would make for a surprise happy ending for that country’s sorry saga, and it would mean that pretty 13-year-old Korean girls would have a chance of making it to 14 as virgins.

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